The iconic Game Boy was originally released in Japan on April 21, 1989 with the US release a few months later on July 31. Since then, over 118 million units of the original and Game Boy Color devices have been sold worldwide making it one of the most prolific gaming systems ever sold. If instead of buying the Game Boy on launch day, you had invested in Nintendo stock, your shares would be worth an estimated $698 today (or $542 after fees). | |
Release Date | 31 July 1989 (Japan: 21 April 1989) |
Release Price | $89.95 (Japan: 12,500) |
Company (ticker) | Nintendo (Tokyo: 7974) |
Share Price (as of) | JPY 38,260.00 (3 August 2018) |
Est. Value (with fees) | $698 ($542) |
Est. Return | 7.76x price, 7.3% IRR |